Last updated on May 6th, 2012 at 11:36 pm
Brendon Burchard creator of Expert Academy Elite Online has released a video outlining the 10 essentials you need to do and focus on to succeed in building an expert brand. To learn more about Brendon read my post Expert Academy Elite Online.
In this video Brendon breaks down the entire information marketing business in one shot. The video is 100% content – there is no pitch and it is truly excellent. The only downside is that its 50 minutes long. I know that will scare a lot of people… but if you’re SERIOUS about this business, then you won’t miss this video.
In the video Brendon covers 10 things that are critical to have and use to become an expert in your field. Things like essential step #2-Stories and how you can use stories to increase your credibility using an incredibly simple formula of C2 and R3. He also covers products, 12 products in all to make you money, is the 4th essential item. Other essentials include the sales process and how to use a social presence to develop your expert brand. Brendon covers many other essentials, like I said this video is pure content.
The best part of the video for me was Brendon showing us the 4 products that he used to make ONE MILLION dollars. It’s the exact model that he teaches in his seminars to get off to the best start possible. It is all broken down, this info is priceless.
Watch it now and if you like what you see I have a link to his second video in this series below.
Incredible video, wasn’t it? When I started out I would have loved to have a video like the one you just watched. I would have paid big money to see it, and get a blue print to the business, but Brendon gives it to you for free.
His second video in the series is even more impressive. Brendon calls this video the “Home Page ATM”. This is genius, the four things highly-paid experts do, and the websites they use… finally WHAT the experts do on their homepage to make money.
Brendon Burchard’s – “The Home Page ATM”
A lot of people are trying to earn more revenue online based on their expertise, but have you ever wondered simple questions like what to put on your homepage?
I mean, how do you communicate that you’re an expert, create value for your visitors, and actually make money?
This video is awesome. I can’t believe Brendon is sharing his best online marketing strategies so openly.
Brendon Burchard’s – “The Home Page ATM”
I also like how Brendon explains his 1-Page Membership Site – it’s one of the easiest and straightforward strategies I’ve seen to monetize your content online.
These two approaches helped Brendon go from broke to over $4 million in sales in 24 months.
Brendon Burchard’s – “The Home Page ATM”
This all proves that sharing and monetizing your knowledge and advice online doesn’t have to be that complicated. It’s totally worth the opt-in.
Let me know what you think of the second video in this series.
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